Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Corn-flakes are bad carbs
One, two, three, four.... 5:31 minutes of brotherly love;
whenever I turn 'round there's someone that keeps on clapping and the radio plays the most touching "Stay young" ever and my friend Milk - yeah, my friend Milk changed his main picture and we know just what we are in another night spent in front of bright lights; I'm not stealing anything, I'm crying because I'm the first who doesnt know the reason of all THIS. If I really had to choose between what I have and what takes care of me...I would choose what takes care of me. I had a dream after I wrote this, and I spent two hours seein' it over and over again. But I'm wrong. And - neway- when you become too old to create something good, you should stop tryin'. Oh, my gosh, you came to think you're a prophet or something.
whenever I turn 'round there's someone that keeps on clapping and the radio plays the most touching "Stay young" ever and my friend Milk - yeah, my friend Milk changed his main picture and we know just what we are in another night spent in front of bright lights; I'm not stealing anything, I'm crying because I'm the first who doesnt know the reason of all THIS. If I really had to choose between what I have and what takes care of me...I would choose what takes care of me. I had a dream after I wrote this, and I spent two hours seein' it over and over again. But I'm wrong. And - neway- when you become too old to create something good, you should stop tryin'. Oh, my gosh, you came to think you're a prophet or something.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
She's a superstar

Gonna write tonite, coz my friend Milk went to a party AND he left me alone; I've been talkin' to loads of people after a long time, P. most of all, he always just impresses me so much because - you might be reading- because he knows what to do and what to say with me, because it's good to know that someone knows you so well, it's all in the mind and he trust me since I was just a little free gurlie and Dvd - he knows me, but I wish I were a better person FOR him, one who doesn't care about...about what? all, and dreams are real, I'm sure they're just another world to live and our better way of life because no-one's gonna miss anyone, because I can love all the people I do love and I'm way more interesting than I am right now. You're gonna hate me for all this, you'll tell me to shut up even if you'll be very kind while tellin' me it's over and we're not gonna be together again, but I can't make it like this, I need to be called darlin', and need to know there are one, no, two, no! three, four (five after all) people thinkin'about me and I'm evil and selfish, but at the end people like me like this, I suppose. Because I love these people, I love all of them and I don't care about time: I still love Platone, ra_F99 or my Russian mate even though I will never meet him again. That word - never- sounds incredible to me, because I cant really get into its doesn't scary me that much though. There's ALWAYS a time in life when you just go back to the path you've been walkin' before and you need to hear the voices of the people that were tryin' to fuck you or those you misunderstood, Our MadR. sings it over and over again shakin' his hand with his bare feet on a filthy carpet (AND I'VE SEEN IT BEFORE): "I took those pills it was wind in her sails, she climbed so high, i dont know why, high on her own and I know she's in the air and I dont want it to go, I can feel it but I dont want it to go" 'til it's 8:58 minutes! We need to build a time machine to get back home, that's all they suggested me, but they won't work for me, not if I don't end my travel with them and I cant choose, I dont fuckin' want to. You see the stars as I see my pinkish pills whenever I forget to go down and sleep at the right time cos I'm sleeping mates don't worry about my words: this is just TRUE you know that beacause telepathy will be with us forever and ever and we feel the pain flowing away on a river of sound. Listen to me, speak to me, fuck with me, dream with me, don't ask me what this is, just be with me and make me breath. That's what happens in case you still need to know that, but please take care of your stomach and eat well; I just wonder about my sons I hope they'll be as good as me, but with stronger teeth and one of them I'm gonna name him Antinoo because me mum loves that and I don't know why I cant sleep like a magnetic field around my head and my sins, because I wanna be a first class sinner, you don't know what I was thinkin' about when I WAS LOOKIN' AT YOU, you don't know I've seen you naked and I WILL, because I promised. I love that voice; but why did you leave me here?? Please dont ask again what's good about it, you see it's just like this and if you don't like this call them in their office; they dont know that we can do that; I strongly believe in reincarnation without flowers and I think I know my grandma's dog must be someone we knew before because she's trying to tell us something while we just feed her, but she gets sad because she realize she's damned and we think we're good to her, but we're just fookin' morons. OH MY fuckin' hell!! Your ideal job is a MERMAID!! And the good thing is YOU ARE one!! Oh my God I feel so tired and there's nothing workin' anymore, just your face next to the door tryin' to steal my bones.
'Night everyone. Oh no, fuckin' hell, DO NOT READ.
Friday, September 02, 2005

"Al tramonto del secondo giorno, Nasser Ali Khan si ricordò di cos'era il piacere. Nel giro di una notte la sua amarezza scomparve e si addormentò tranquillamente."
Io inganno persone, sono un'eterna indecisa, una rompicoglioni che cerca di emulare qualche eroina di quei romanzi rosa che si comprano in edicola le cui pagine si scollano dalla rilegatura non appena aperte; ho già comprato un cappello di lana adatto ad interpretare meglio il personaggio. Piuttosto che fare davvero politica farò la doppiatrice; mi illudevo di poter essere solo un'internazionalista convinta, perchè io sono sempre al di sopra delle cose e -per questo- rischio di cadere più facilmente. Non riesco ad accettare che al mondo non ci siano solo le due persone del mio mondo - come suggerisce saggiamente Dvd; e se adesso finisse davvero che mandiamo tutti a cagare...? Commovente il "romanzo iraniano" di Marjane Satrapi (thanx to Lev'); ora è il momento giusto ripete lui due volte, ma sei sicura che te lo dica sul serio? If you touch that girl you know it's okay people say she's a whore anyway, I think she looks like a nice vamp looking for love in a trashcan. ♥
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Love in a trashcan
Non riesco a dormire bene in queste notti, cerco di pilotare i miei sogni e questo richiede uno sforzo immenso; a volte mi sembra di impazzire: continuo a correggere i nonsense che vedo, e poi mi ripeto che cazzo! sto sognando, non posso pretendere che sia tutto razionale, non deve essere tutto razionale! Sì, una ragazza può avere ali di farfalla gigante e sì, Hitler può invadere la mia casa passando dal garage e posso trovarmi in un piccolo teatro in cui N&L mi firmano un autografo su un'enciclopedia. Sono tre volte che mi trovo a Shangai, faccio sesso non protetto, non piango mai e il rossetto rosso non va mai via dalle labbra; sono più bella di quello che sono, forse, ma non mi guardo molto allo specchio. Dicono che sognare di mangiare un sacco di dolci abbia significati strani: ma anche se uno nella realtà è bulimico? Per me sono solo buoni...Continuano a tagliarmi i capelli e mi sveglio con un forte senso di ansia e smarrimento. Poi mi metto a scrivere quello che ricordo.